school wide positive behaviour supports

The college demonstrates a zero tolerance for bullying and physical violence. Our aim is to provide and maintain a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all

Our college introduced School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (SWPBS) in mid-2021. This journey has led to the creation of our purpose statement, vision and establishment of our core values of Resilient, Compassion, Success and Citizenship.

SWPBS is a framework that brings together school communities to develop a positive, safe and supportive learning culture. SWPBS aims to improve social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for young people. SWPBS is a broad range of systemic and individualised strategies for achieving important social and learning outcomes in schools while preventing problem behaviour.

The development of our values has underpinned the implementation of our college Whole School Behaviour Expectations Matrix. The matrix sets out the expected behaviours and clearly defines what is expected of students. The development of our matrix has led to an increase in respectful and positive behaviour and a more focused classroom on teaching and learning. Our matrix is displayed in all areas of the college and is referred to in conversations about behaviour between students, teachers and peers.

SWPBS also focuses on the development of respectful relationships in all levels of the college community – between students; students and teachers; and between students and community members.

At Red Cliffs Secondary College, SWPBS is also about acknowledging the positive behaviours we see at the college. Students are recognised for making a positive contribution to the college through positive behaviour credits, the ‘reddy positive’ cards and positive phone calls.

Red Cliffs Secondary College applies a restorative approach to resolve conflict and work with students to repair relationships and/or address the impact of individuals’ actions on others.