wellbeing program
The Red Cliffs Secondary College’s Wellbeing program is central to the College’s goal of developing resilient, compassionate, successful citizens.
The aim of the wellbeing program is to support students to explore ways to develop their psychological, social, mental, emotional, spiritual, academic and physical health to achieve their optimal functioning.
The Wellbeing team can support students:
- Counselling
- Build strategies and skills to overcome mental and physical health concerns
- Offer support around advice around navigating difficult relationship issues at school or home
- Support students to manage study stress and build better school work habits and achieve their personal best.
- Advocate for external and internal programs and referrals to support the young person.
The Wellbeing team consists of the following passionate professionals who work alongside the student support team:
- Brittany Russo (Wellbeing Co-ordinator)
- Marita Barnes (Mental Health Practitioner)
- Jordan Fishlock (School Nurse)
- Nick Mazza (Wellbeing Clinician)
- Eddy (Wellbeing Dog)
Students are able to self-refer by attending the Wellbeing Centre at recess or lunch but they are also encouraged to speak to the Year Level Coordinator or Sub School Leader to organise a referral.
Families are also able to contact the Wellbeing Coordinator to organise a referral for their child.
Doctors in Secondary Schools (DiSS) program:
Doctors in Secondary Schools is an initiative within schools to ensure young people have easily accessible medical care. Red Cliffs Secondary is fortunate enough to have a Doctor and a Nurse onsite every Thursday. Appointments can be made through Student Reception.
Apps and Websites
au.reachout.com | youth issues |
brave4you.psy.uq.edu.au | worry/anxiety program |
bullyingnoway.gov.au | bullying |
The Check-In App | help supporting a friend |
The Smiling Mind App | mindfulness |
www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au | health |
www.eheadspace.org.au | mental health issues |
www.parentline.vic.gov.au | Department of Education and Training |
www.parentline.com.au | linked with kidshelpline |
www.yodda.org.au | youth, drugs and alcohol advice |
www.youthbeyondblue.com | mental health issues |
Centacare Family Services | 5051 0050 |
Child and Youth Mental Health Services (CYMHS) | 5022 3500 |
Orange Door/Child and Family Information, Referral and Support Team (ChildFIRST) | 1300 625 533 |
Child Protection | 1300 664 997 or 131 278 (AH) |
Headspace | 5021 2400 |
KidsHelpLine 24/7 | 1800 551 800 |
LifeLine 24/7 | 131 114 |
Mallee Domestic Violence 24/7 | 5021 2130 |
Mallee Family Care | 502 5966 |
Mallee Sexual Assault 24/7 | 5025 5400 |
Mental Health Triage and Acute Community Intervention Service 24/7 | 5022 3500 |
Mildura District Aboriginal Services (MDAS) | 5018 4100 |
Murray Mallee Community Legal Service | 1800 243 002 |
ParentLine | 132 289 |
Suicide Call Back Service | 1300 659 467 |
Sunraysia Mallee Ethnic Communities Council (SMECC) | 5022 1006 |
Sunraysia Community Health Services | 5022 5444 |